Wednesday, April 4, 2012

BITE is a Four-Letter Word

This is what I went looking for last Tuesday

"The gauge of a good poem
is the size of the love bruise it leaves
on your neck.
the size of the love bruise it can paint on your brain.
the size of the love bruise it can weave into your Soul.
Or, indeed,
it could be all of the above."
And this is what I found - a Southwestern Pacific Speckled Rattlesnake

Some bites are soft, and rendered in the most sensual of ways.  Aiming to please, their love bruises
are worn like medals hung behind an unbuttoned collar of a workday's shirt the very next day.
Some bites are long lasting.  Breathing into the supple skin on the nape of the neck, they are meant to derive pleasure while heightening one's state of awareness.  Other bites are lightning quick, and deeply penetrating.  They come out of nowhere and serve simple to defend - territory, or one's private sense of well-being.  They too are long lasting, as swollen skin and tender muscles work hard to regenerate the harmony that once existed.  Neither better nor worse,  both just simply are - reminders of the abundant joy as well as the excruciating pain that this being human endeavors.  Good luck, bad luck, who knows?  

So, I went looking for a cave last week.  It's a secret dwelling place that this wild heart has held dear for over twenty years.  I wasn't expecting to discover the bite of a rattlesnake on this day, but isn't that how the cookie crumbles?  To be clear, I do not find the experience just now had as unfortunate, whatsoever - natural encounters with the real world are what this inimitable spirit craves.  Rather, what I've found over the short course of this past week is LOVE.  Always, LOVE.  Imagine that?  A sinking into what has always been and a release of what will never be.  What I've learned, through this process, is that I can let go - even more - of all of the petty, little expectations.  I can allow that the LOVE that I have been giving has been and is amazing because it is the exact reflection of the LOVE that I wish to receive.  Now, all there is to do is surrender myself to it and receive it in return.

¡Gracias a Dios!